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News Nuacht

2021/2022 School Year

18th Oct 2021
For art we mixed different paint to make Autumn colours and used broccoli to paint...
18th Oct 2021
We have been having a great time in class with our Autumn & Halloween Aistear....
18th Oct 2021
We were busy creating self portraits
18th Oct 2021
1/10/21 3rd class went on an outdoor hunt for leaves and conkers. Their mission...
18th Oct 2021
We have been learning about Autumn and the leaves falling. We walked around the yard...
18th Oct 2021
Second Class were busy creating their colourful Rainbow Mosaics last week.
18th Oct 2021
We had a great day last week when we were visited by a team from SARI (Sport Against...
18th Oct 2021
Junior Infants have been learning all about Autumn over the last few weeks. They...
12th Oct 2021
5th and 6th Class attended an anti-discrimination soccer workshop, addressing issues...
11th Oct 2021
5th and 6th Class attended an anti-discrimination soccer workshop ran by SARI. Addressing...