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St. Oliver Plunkett's, Balrothery National School, Balrothery, Co. Dublin
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News Nuacht

2021/2022 School Year

15th Mar 2022
Pupils in Ms Gleeson's class thought about ways in which they can live their lives...
11th Mar 2022
Bhi an spórt ag na bpaistí an seachtain seo. Bhí siad ag canadh...
17th Feb 2022
Take a look at our Spring daffodils. We used egg boxes to make the bulbs. 
14th Feb 2022
Today we painted and decorated cards for St Valentine’s Day. Sending love to...
1st Feb 2022
Today we celebrated the feast of St Brigid.  We learned about Brigid’s...
10th Jan 2022
We made winter woolly hats using yarn, watercolours and oil pastels. It may be a...
4th Jan 2022
The children in all classes took part in an art competition for Well Being Week....
4th Jan 2022
Covid can't stop us at Balrothery NS. We had our annual Christmas Carol Service outdoors....
4th Jan 2022
We were very excited when Santa came to visit us before the holidays. 
4th Jan 2022
Some pupils from 6th class completed mosaics under the guidance of David West, artist....