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News Nuacht - 5th Class

2022/2023 School Year

26th May 2023
The children were so excited about seeing all the Lego . Two children and there mam...
9th May 2023
The kids loved to run around and find the flowers and leafs and other things to make...
4th May 2023
Tommy our amazingly artistic caretaker created a flower wheelbarrow with some kids...
26th Apr 2023
In Discovery 5th class made circuits and learned about electricity. The children...
26th Apr 2023
As part of Local History week 5th class helped junior and senior infants to complete...
24th Apr 2023
Our Green Schools committee have been working extremely to achieve our 9 Green flag,...
17th Apr 2023
Trapped in a video game!By Lucas Jack  whyte hope you enjoy 😊  One...