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News Nuacht - 4th Class

2022/2023 School Year

22nd Jun 2023
The children are really enjoying exploring our new Lego sets as part of our learning...
15th Jun 2023
Ms. Andrews’ class are officially published authors! We worked very hard to...
12th May 2023
We really enjoyed celebrating Intercultural Day on Friday 12th May. It was a fantastic...
11th May 2023
We really enjoyed our school trip to Chester Beatty Museum as part of Inter-Cultural...
26th Apr 2023
Local History week was a great success and chance for us to learn about the rich...
10th Mar 2023
There was great excitement in the school on Friday as we finished off Engineers week...
9th Mar 2023
As part of our music lessons, we have been learning to play the Ukulele. The children...
7th Mar 2023
Ms.Andrews', Mr. Caffrey's &  Ms. Duffy's 3rd & 4th class enjoyed a...
26th Feb 2023
We had a lovely week celebrating Friendship week. We did lots of great friendship...