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St. Oliver Plunkett's, Balrothery National School, Balrothery, Co. Dublin
Places available Junior Infants for 2025.2026 - please let others know Places are still available for junior infants for 2025.2026 - please download the admission application form which is located under the Admissions tab and send via email or by post.
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Class novel

26th Sep 2023
We are reading a great book in 5th class called the ‘Boy at the Back of the Class.’ It is all about, Ahmet, a boy from Syria. Ahmet is a refugee and he really misses home. His favourite food is pomegranate. Deborah Zheng brought in a pomegranate for us all to taste-it was delicious! We can’t wait to find out what happens to Ahmet and his family as we continue our novel.