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St. Oliver Plunkett's, Balrothery National School, Balrothery, Co. Dublin
Places available Junior Infants for 2025.2026 - please let others know Places are still available for junior infants for 2025.2026 - please download the admission application form which is located under the Admissions tab and send via email or by post.
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Halloween Chocolate Apples!

31st Oct 2021

3rd Class made some Halloween Chocolate Apples before the Midterm. They added some tasty toppings, including sprinkles and chocolate chips. Some were eaten before the pictures so they must have been nice. We have created a procedure you could follow...


  1. Put your apple on a lollipop stick and get your toppings ready.
  2. Cut your chocolate up into squares and put it into a microwave-safe bowl
  3. Melt the chocolate for 30 seconds and then stir. 
  4. Keep a close eye on the chocolate (as it can burn very easily) and melt for 10 seconds at a time and stir until melted.
  5. Dip your chocolate apple into the chocolate and turn it around to get it all over the apple. Hold it over the bowl for 10 seconds so that the chocolate can drip into the bowl
  6. Hold your apple over a napkin and add your toppings 
  7. Take a bite and enjoy.