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Intercultural Week

12th May 2023

Intercultural Week was a great success! The children learned about and celebrated different cultures from all over the world.  First class chose to explore Mexico. The children discovered lots of interesting facts about their chosen country. We learned to speak a little Spanish, tasted traditional Mexican food, made tambourines, learned steps to a Mexican dance, learned about a famous Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo, and even recreated some of her artwork on the iPads. First class then had the opportunity to showcase all they had learned on Intercultural Day, Friday 12th May. In the afternoon, we were treated to performances of traditional dancing from other regions of the world by the girls from the Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan. To round off a fun-packed week, 1st class took part in a famous Mexican party activity, hitting a piñata! They were delighted to find lots of yummy treats inside.