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Letter to parents with information on face mask wearing 3rd to 6th class

1st Dec 2021


Dear Parents/Guardians,
The government has announced a requirement that children in 3rd to 6th classes wear face masks in primary schools.
I have attached the document that schools have been sent. Please read this carefully.

If your child cannot wear a mask/face covering due to medical or other complex needs (see document attached), please email the office on and we will follow up with you in the coming days. Please use the link to see information on the correct use/wearing of masks.

Video link:

If you heard the Taoiseach on the news, you will know that his words about schools needing to get to the Christmas break, recalibrate and review for the next term show that we are now at a pivotal point in Primary schools in the fight against Covid-19.
The government has introduced mask wearing for primary school children as an interim measure until mid- February 2022, when it will be reviewed by NPHET.

We need to keep all in our school community safe and this includes all our children, the teachers, SNAs, our school secretary and caretaker as well as you, the parents and guardians.

Therefore, we are asking that you support us in following the government guidelines.

We have been advised that schools can take a few days to ease into this new requirement. With this in mind the requirement for children from 3rd to 6th to wear masks will commence on Monday the 6th of December. Children will not need to wear masks on the yard. Please provide a zip lock bag to store masks.


Mrs Murphy