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Narrative writing

17th Apr 2023

Trapped in a video game!
By Lucas Jack  whyte hope you enjoy 😊 

One Saturday evening, two boys, Dave and Jeff were having the craic, when Mama
Giuseppina walked through the door. “Boys, I got a new game from the video game
shop, ye both really like.” Mama Giuseppina said as she closed the door.
“Oh wow you got Free Play? Thanks mama.” said Dave gratefully. Jeff snatched the
game off Mama as she walked into the living room. Jeff started to gnaw on the game
box like a hungry fool.
“I will make dinner. OK.” Mama said happily as she walked into the kitchen.
“My want play.” Jeff gurgled. “No Jeff, dinner first. OK?” Dave said.
“DINNER BOYS!” Mama shouted at the top of her voice. “Dinner, DINNER!” Dave
said excitedly. “WINNER, WINNER!” Jeff shouted as he approached the table
hurridly. Mama made pizza with a stuffed crust.
After dinner the boys got drinks from the fridge (Jeff stole one of the babysitters
energy drinks - Blind Summit) and they went into the living room. “Let play!” Jeff said
aggressively excited. Dave loaded the disc into the Xbox console. The game
showed up on the screen ‘update available for Free Play’. Jeff pressed ‘A’ on the
controller as he jumped around with excitement, he dropped the energy drink ‘Blind
Summit’, the can exploded and covered the router in the energy juice.
The games console was downloading the update for the game wirelessly, the router
started to buzz and little lightning bolts started to fly out of it, the tv screen started
flashing. The boys looked scared - although Jeff was smiling. Soon the internet
router and the tv created an electromagnetic field across the living room creating a
giant wormhole. Wind started to flow around the room, the wormhole caused a
“Aaaahhhh! What's going on!” Dave shouted horrified.
“Tickles. Hahahaha Hohohoho!” Jeff said laughing. The wormhole sucked the boys
into the tv. The wormhole closed shut and the boys were gone. The living room was
Jeff and Dave, are in the video game, the land is grass as far as the eye can see.
The sky is as blue as the bluest ocean. Dave was horrified, they were no longer at
home. Jeff on the other hand was fast asleep as if the journey was a gentle
massage. The boys were lost in the game, with no way out.
“Where... where are we?” A confused Dave said.
A voice from nowhere shouted; “You gotta help us. Some sort of dragon is destroying
the village.” Jeff woke up, Dave turned around and saw a random old man in a cloak.

A tower of smoke was rising in the far distance. The old man threw some gaming
items at them. “Here! Take this set of armour and these swords. They will protect
you.” The stranger disappeared....
“A dragon? What does he mean?” Asked Dave.
“RARGHHHHHHHH” Roaring sound can be heard from the distance. A black, fierce,
fire breathing dragon appeared in the sky. “What in the name of god is this!” Dave
shouted in surprise. Then the dragon spotted them. “Cool.” Jeff said in amazement.
“No, Not cool! Also RUN!!!” Screamed Dave. Dave and Jeff were running away from
the deadly dragon.
Dave had an idea. “Jeff, remember the armour and sword the stranger gave us.”
So they had to run back to get the armour. “Now, put on the set of armour. Now, get
your sword. We’re gonna defeat this dragon once and for all!” Said Dave
dramatically. Dave and Jeff swiped and chopped as much as possible. Then Jeff
gave the final blow and defeated the evil dragon.
The dragon blew up into millions of pieces, never to be seen again. “Phew. That was
some thirsty work. Hahahahaha.” Dave laughed. Suddenly, little bolts of lightning
started to flash in the air, a buzzing sound happened all around them, and a massive
wormhole appeared out of nowhere. The wind raged through them, sweeping them
up into the air, they were flying towards the wormhole. “Not this again!” Dave said
with a devastated tone. “Yay. Tickle I’m. Hahahahahaha.” Jeff laughed. The
wormhole sucked them in again. “I... think... I’m... gonna...” Dave said sickly. Jeff
closed his eyes, a smile was on his face and then he started to snore.
Back in their living room a sonic boom sounded, like magic they appeared in mid air.
“Thud”. They ended up in a heap on the floor. “Where have you two been?” asked
“You wouldn’t believe me, if I told you.” Dave said. “Okie dokey” Mama said as she
went back up the stairs.
Dave turned to Jeff and said “Let’s never do that again.”
Jeff picked his nose and said “YA YA YA” and wiped his hand on Dave.

The End