School Reopens
School reopens on the 26th of August. Remember to arrive according to your surname.
Group 1: A-G Group 2: H-N Group 3: O- Z
Starting times: Group 1: 9.10am Group 2 9.20am Group 3: :9.30am
Finishing times: Group 1: 2.50pm Group 2: 3pm Group 3: 3.10pm
Senior infants will arrive at the time according to their surname above, collection time:
Ms Gleeson's senior infants at 2pm and Ms Mc Kiernan's senior infants at 2.10pm.
Junior Infants start at 9.45 on the 26th of August then from the 27th of August according to their surnames as above.
Junior infants will finish at 12.30 up to and including the 10th of September. Then from Monday the 13th of September Ms Kiernan's will leave at 1.50pm, Ms Gleeson's at 2 pm.
First to 6th class will need a second school bag and pencil case to be left in school.
Wash bag with hand sanitiser and face cloths to dry hands. Please make sure your child has all they need in their pencil case. Thank you.
Coats to be brought daily, wellies when raining for the infants as they play on the grass. These can be simply worn in on wet days. Children will go out to play daily so always make sure they have a coat please.
See you all on the 26th of August.
Mrs Murphy
St. Oliver Plunkett's, Balrothery National School, Coach Rd, Balrothery, Co. Dublin
Phone: 01 841 1494 | School Roll No. 17569E