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St. Oliver Plunkett's, Balrothery National School, Balrothery, Co. Dublin
10th March - school closed for a half day to facilitate Bí Cineálta Training. Infants will go home at 12, followed by all others at 12.15. | Places available Junior Infants for 2025.2026 - please let others know Places are still available for junior infants for 2025.2026 - please download the admission application form which is located under the Admissions tab and send via email or by post.
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Sports Day Information

3rd Jun 2024

Sports Day Timetable 7th of June

(All within the normal school day times)

Each class will take part in a sprint and novelty races, some activities with their class and they will visit the cake sale. As we are at the Man O War, the times of the races are approximate and siblings may be running at the same time. All children will arrive at school at normal school time except for 5th and 6th class who will arrive at 9.  The roll will be called so each child needs to be onsite on time.

Then classes will start to leave and will be bussed up to the Man O War. It is important that we all travel together in our class grouping up to the pitch as this makes it easier for the teachers to keep their class with them and keep them safe. Please do not drive them up to the pitch. There are two permission requests on Aladdin. One is to give permission to go to Sports Day, the other is if you intend to collect your child from the pitch. We need to know this information in advance.

All children are expected to take part. If your child is injured you will need to send in a note to class teacher.

Please do not bring your child to the cake sale as each class has a timetable. This ensures that there will be goodies for all the children. The cake sale will open for business at 10.30.

Race Timetable :


Ms Folan, Ms Mc Cabe and Ms Clarke                                                    10am to 11.15 am– front pitch                    

Ms O’ Neill, Ms Gleeson and Ms Maguire                                              11.15-12.30 – front pitch


Mr Callaghan, Ms O Mahony and Mr Fahey                                          10.30 am -11.15 – back pitch     

Ms Duffy, Ms Andrews, Mr Caffrey                                                         11.15 am -12   -       back pitch                                                                                                                                            

At 12 O Clock children in 3rd ,4th ,5th and 6th will take part in a long distance run/relays.  back pitch

( races will be staggered)

  • The whole school will stop and have lunch / free play from 12.45 – 1.15

Infants will leave to return to school at 1

1st/2nd will leave at 2pm

3rd/4th class will leave at 2.15

5th and 6th will leave at 2.30

If you intend to bring your child home from the Man O War you will need to give permission to bring home on Aladdin before Wednesday the 5th of June. Teachers will make a list of the children who will not return by bus to school. This is most important and no child/parent should decide on the day that they are going home with parents, the school needs to know this in advance.  

Mrs Murphy


Cake Sale   7th of June

Please bring in goodies to sell at the cake sale. We will need all the goodies we can get as children love to buy lots of buns, biscuits, cakes, jellies, multipacks of crisps, bars, multipacks of any goodies, thank you. Children can give them to their class teacher.

Parents can purchase cake and tea/coffee any time from 10.30am

We will accept all non-perishable items anytime. Perishable items can be brought in on Friday 7th of June in the morning. Children can give their items to the members of the Parents’ Committee on Friday morning at the school gate.

A text will go out to remind you.

Please label all tins and lids otherwise we cannot guarantee their return.


Thank you.

Mrs Murphy