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St. Oliver Plunkett's, Balrothery National School, Balrothery, Co. Dublin
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Acceptable Use Policy - 28.09.2023.pdf View download document
Admission Policy View download document
Admission Policy Map View download document
Annual Admissions Notice for year 2024.2025.pdf View download document
Anti - Bullying Notification of the annual review 2023.2024.pdf View download document
Anti- bullying - notification regarding the Board of Management's Annual Review 2023 View download document
Anti- Racist Policy Nov 2021 View download document
Anti-bullying - checklist for annual review and its implementation 2023 View download document
Anti-Bullying Policy 2023.2024 View download document
Checklist for Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement 2023.pdf View download document
Child Safeguarding Notification to Parents 2023.2024.pdf View download document
Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment 2023.pdf View download document
Code of Behaviour and Discipline Policy View download document
Covid Statement View download document
Critical Incident Policy View download document
Data Retention schedule View download document
Fundraising from the Public Policy - February 2024.pdf View download document
Healthy Eating Policy St Oliver Plunkett November 2022 View download document
Homework Policy View download document
Mobile Phone and Smart Device Policy - 28.09.2023.pdf View download document
Notification to parents - childsafeguarding review 2023 1 .pdf View download document
Parental Complaints Policy 25.01.2024.pdf View download document
Procedures inplace to address risks View download document
RSE - Stay Safe - letter to parents.pdf View download document
RSE Policy 2019 View download document
Safety Statement - risk assessment - 28.09.2023.pdf View download document
Safety Statement Policy - 28.09.2023.pdf View download document
School data protection policy View download document
School Tours and Excursion Policy - 28.09.2023.pdf View download document
School uniform Policy May 2024.pdf View download document
Social Media Policy - February 2024.pdf View download document
Splitting Classes Policy.pdf View download document
St Oliver Plunkett Anti-Racism child friendly policy View download document
St Oliver Plunkett s NS Custody and Separation Policy 2024.pdf View download document
St Oliver Plunketts Communication Policy Dec 2020 View download document
Statement of school attendance strategy View download document
Stay Safe policy View download document
Third Party Agreement View download document